DIVISION of PUSBANGDAR (Center of Pondok Sadar development)
PUSBANGDAR is the brain of all programs aimed for street children, chokd labor, homeless, and other issues to children and youth development. Pondok Sadar itsekf is the intitution estabilished five years ago which delivers services at first to street children but then get expanded to other related groups.
In here are three elements in designing program of Pondok Sadar : open house, orphan house and workshop. Open house formula focuses on the process and product of need asseessment – collecting all accurate data from target groups. Orphan house gives protection, education and assistance to social horms. Workshop give children opportunity to develop their own talent and skill by which they can prepare themselves for future. Those three elements are all mixed in the formula of Pondok Sadar and PUSBANGDAR the division to make study on and resuming innovation.